“King Richard III Found and His Face Revealed! Can a New King Richard III Portrayal by Richard Armitage be Far Behind?” February 10, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #360)
The media coverage of the King Richard III discovery has been riveting! And the related notion that perhaps Richard Armitage might really get to pursue his dream of a new King Richard III film is more hopeful. It would be lovely if Richard Armitage could portray King Richard III. And the King Richard Armitage initiative is a wonderful fan based grass roots efforts to support that.
“BBC Radio Leicester Interviews Philippa Langley about Richard III Discovery and Proposed Film”
Thank you to www.RichardArmitageNet.com for sharing this Philippa Langley BBC Radio Leicester interview.
Philippa Langley portrait is courtesy of The Richard III Society found at http://www.richardiii.net/leicester_dig_team.php
“Richard III: Leicester’s Search for a King”; Leicester Museum opens exhibit February 8, 2013.
Follow this link to find out more about the February 8, 2013 Leicester Museum Richard III Exhibit and related upcoming events: